Questions for drink drivers about future driving without the influence of alcohol
General question about the MPU
How do I understand the authorities’ concerns about my fitness to drive? Why do I have to undergo an MPU (medical-psychological examination)? What is the purpose of the MPU? How do I want to make it clear that I will drive a vehicle safely in future?
Analysis of my offense(s) involving alcohol in road traffic
1.1. How did it happen that I drank more or a lot before driving?
1.2 Why did I decide to drive even though I was under the considerable influence of alcohol?
To what extent did a distorted perception with carelessness, indifference, disinhibition and overconfidence due to the influence of alcohol play a role?
To what extent did I feel fit to ride at that moment?
If I was driving with residual alcohol from a previous consumption, why was I unable to properly perceive or assess the extent of my alcoholization?
1.3. Welche Probleme sind infolge des Alkoholeinflusses beim Fahren aufgetreten?
(Bei einer Alkoholfahrt mit mindestens 1,1 Promille Blutalkoholkonzentration:)
How could I start a vehicle and drive it reasonably with this high concentration of alcohol in my body? Had I built up a high level of habituation through frequent and/or repeated uncontrolled alcohol use?
1.5. Wie habe ich sonst einen Alkoholkonsum vom Fahren mit dem Auto, dem Motorrad oder dem Fahrrad getrennt bzw. die gesetzlichen Promillegrenzen beim Fahren eingehalten?
Have I nevertheless driven other times with significant alcohol concentrations in the body, so that the inhibition threshold to drive there again under the influence of alcohol was no longer so high due to repetition and experience?
1.6. (Bei mehreren im Fahreignungsregister eingetragenen Verstößen mit Alkohol:)
Why was I repeatedly caught drink-driving, even though I had already been punished for it once? Why hadn’t I been able to learn definitively from the previous warnings and penalties?
2. My learning history with alcohol
Describe your experiences with alcohol consumption from the beginning until today.
2.1. Beginnen Sie Ihre Schilderung mit dem ersten Mal, an dem Sie Alkohol tranken und seine Wirkung verspürten.
2.2. Schildern Sie anschließend die Entwicklung Ihres Alkoholkonsums in chronologischer Reihenfolge (Angaben von Alter bzw. Kalenderjahren) mit Bezug auf Ereignisse und Lebensumstände, die Einfluss darauf nahmen und nennen Sie auch Ihre Motive.
2.3. Fügen Sie die gewöhnlichen und die hohen Mengen sowie die Häufigkeit des konsumierten Alkohols in den jeweiligen Zeiträumen hinzu.
2.4. Haben Sie außerdem Drogen konsumiert? Wenn ja, welche, wie oft, zu welchen Anlässen, in welchen Zeiträumen und welche Mengen?
2.5. Wenn Sie inzwischen deutlich weniger oder gar keinen Alkohol trinken, nennen Sie bitte die Umstände und die Gründe für diese Veränderung.
3. assessment of my alcohol consumption and the resulting alcohol risk
3.1. Was waren die erwünschten Wirkungen und meine Motive für den Alkoholkonsum in der Geselligkeit und in meinem Alltag?
3.2. Did I also relieve stress with alcohol or was I able to forget problems for the moment? How was this related to circumstances in my life?
3.3. Was waren die unmittelbaren negativen Wirkungen und welche die langfristigen Nachteile des Konsums?
3.4. Inwiefern suchte ich die Anlässe gezielt aus und trank kontrolliert 1-2 Getränke?
3.5. In which situations did I control the quantities consumed less well or not at all? To what extent was I also disinhibited and not in control of my statements and actions?
3.6. Kam es vor, dass ich die Trinkkontrolle ganz verlor und einen starken Rausch hatte? How often? What negative effects did this have? (e.g. lack of rational thought, perceptual disturbances, embarrassing moments, falls due to balance problems, double vision, nausea, film tears)?
3.7. Ist es über kurz oder lang zu einer höheren körperlichen Verträglichkeit (Toleranzsteigerung) gekommen?
3.8. Hat eine psychische Gewöhnung an den Alkohol stattgefunden?
For example, have I had a recurring need to consume alcohol to feel good or to boost my mood?
Have I sometimes found it difficult to say “no” to occasions of consumption?
3.9. To what extent has an abuse in the sense of repeated and regular use with loss of control, increasing importance in my everyday life, neglect of other interests, negative feedback from my close environment and with the consequence of psychological and physical damage developed?
3.10. Has it come to a psychological dependence in the sense of a strong desire or urge to consume alcohol, inability to stop, avoidance of discomfort and restlessness and constant loss of control?
3.11. Has there been physical dependence on alcohol with exceptionally high tolerance development and withdrawal symptoms?
Final question on section 3:
Based on my answers above, how do I judge the extent of my alcohol exposure? Have I had any risky alcohol consumption? Have I developed an abuse? Did I get to the point of alcohol addiction?
4. the changes in my attitude and behavior in the meantime
4.1. How am I doing in the meantime with my reduced alcohol consumption or abstinence from alcohol? What benefits and positive changes am I experiencing as a result?
4.2. What alternatives have I found for entertainment, recreation, creativity, relaxation and stress relief? How could I further develop and expand my alternatives?
4.3. What else would I like to change and improve? What options do I have and what resources can I use?
5. resolutions for the successful realization of my goals in the future
5.1. How do I want to deal with alcohol in the future?
5.2. If I am going to drink alcohol, on what occasions and in what quantities?
5.3. (In case of future alcohol consumption:)
How would I like to separate alcohol consumption from driving a motor vehicle or riding a bicycle in the future?
5.4. What temptations or critical situations might arise that put me at risk of drinking a lot of alcohol and then possibly driving a vehicle? How can I deal with such critical situations so that I avoid mistakes in time?
5.5. In general, what do I want to look out for in the future to keep it good and avoid risky alcohol use or abuse again?
5.6. How do I want to solve problems and manage critical moments in life? Where can I get support with these issues?