If you have committed another A violation or two B violations in road traffic after the advanced training seminar, you have been warned by the driving license office and requested to attend a traffic psychology consultation in accordance with § 2a Para. 7 StVG. Traffic psychology counseling can then help you to avoid further violations and avert the next stage of driving license revocation.
In traffic psychological counselling in accordance with Section 38 of the Driving Licence Ordinance, the holder of a probationary driver’s license should be encouraged to recognize deficiencies in their attitude to road traffic and in their roadworthy behaviour and to develop the willingness to reduce these deficiencies.
The consultation takes the form of a one-to-one meeting. It can be supplemented by a driving test if the advisor deems this necessary. The advisor should clarify the causes of the deficiencies and point out ways of remedying them. Findings from the consultation are only intended for the holder of a probationary driving license and are only to be communicated to this person. At the end, the holder of a probationary driving license receives a certificate of participation for submission to the competent authority under state law.
Counselling may only be carried out by a person who is officially recognized for this purpose. To this end, the applicant must be personally reliable, have a university degree in psychology or an equivalent master’s degree in psychology and provide evidence of training and experience in driving psychology.
The driving license office may not initiate any further measures (driving license revocation, request for an MPU) without giving you the opportunity for traffic psychological counseling, to which you are entitled.
In addition to the possibility of traffic psychological counseling, the driving aptitude seminar can also help you during the probationary period. This is particularly useful if, in the third stage, you want to have your points removed from the Register of Driver Fitness in the event of another A offense in court or if you want the driving license office to refrain from ordering an MPU in addition to the deduction of points. You can find out more about the driving aptitude seminar here :